
Showing posts from February, 2022

Moonfall Shoots for the Stars, and Probably Lands Among the Cult Classics

Let's get something important out of the way. Moonfall , Roland Emmerich's latest disaster production, is a bad movie. Mystery Science Theater bad. It's paced poorly, cut worse, the acting often seems phoned in at best, and the plot is the worst mish-mash of Independence Day and 2012 that I can imagine. There have been many better 'thing smashes into the world' movies, the most recent of which being Greenland  (2019), which at the time I definitely thought had been directed by Emmerich. All of that said, I still genuinely enjoyed the absolutely off the rails second half, and left the movie wanting to write about it. So let's dig into it. Full spoilers for the best worst disaster movie of the year.  Moonfall  starts with a fairly confusing disaster in space that's been far better done in films like Gravity. The scene serves solely to introduce our two main characters (Astronauts Harper and Fowler), and its main sin is that it makes even less sense as you lear