Invasion is Too Stuck Inside of its Own Head
Invasion , released on Apple TV in late 2021, is a TV series that I desperately want to like. The premise is great, the "real-time" pacing was something that I found compelling and thought worked to the series' benefit, and I'm just a huge sucker for suspenseful sci-fi stories and high production values. Indeed, there is plenty in Invasion that I do like. I was especially fond of the British and Japanese subplots, and the wonderfully produced visuals and atmosphere make the show genuinely enjoyable to watch, despite serious flaws. Unfortunately, by the end of the tenth episode I couldn't help feeling like my time had been wasted. Before I level further criticism, I want to acknowledge that despite its $200 million pricetag, Invasion without a doubt faced major development and production issues. Filmed through 2020 and into early 2021, the series faced uncertainties throughout the COVID pandemic, an event that I have to imagine forced changes into the show's...